1280 Wildwood Road, Boulder

Afterfallupdate,Windows10putsamaximumsizeonthumbnailcacheanddeletesolderthumbnailsbeforenewonescanbegenerated,Thisspeedsupthedisplayofimagesasthesmallerimagesdonotneedtoberecalculatedeverytimetheuserviewsthefolder.Windowsstores ...,Thethumbcache....。參考影片的文章的如下:


After fall update, Windows 10 puts a maximum size on thumbnail ...

After fall update, Windows 10 puts a maximum size on thumbnail cache and deletes older thumbnails before new ones can be generated

Thumbnail Cache. Please explain how and why it grows so large ...

This speeds up the display of images as the smaller images do not need to be recalculated every time the user views the folder. Windows stores ...

Windows Explorer Thumbnail Cache database format.asciidoc

The thumbcache.db (Windows Explorer thumbnail cache database) is used by Microsoft Windows Explorer to store thumbnails of picture files.


thumbcache_viewer_cmd will extract thumbnail images from thumbcache database files. Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Eric Kutcher. This program is ...


US$31.90 Slide-Co C 1280 Patio Door Handle, Offset Thumb Turn, Diecast, White, Quantity 1.

A screenshot of thumbcache files present on Windows 10. Files...

A complete list of thumbcache files for a Windows 10 user is depicted in Figure 1. The 1024×1024 thumbnail database was removed, replaced by 768×768 and 1280× ...

如何修正惱人的Thumbcache_1280.db 錯誤[已解決]

大部分情況下,與thumbcache_1280.db 相關的DB 問題可歸因於Windows 檔案損毀、遺漏或遭到感染。 大部分電腦專家在執行初步疑難排解時,皆會嘗試更換適用的DB 檔案版本。

Troubleshoot thumbcache_1280.db Errors and Download File

Download proper version of thumbcache_1280.db file, follow the instruction and fix errors related to thumbcache_1280.db. Learn 4 reliable methods.

Two Thumbs Up - Thumbnail Forensics

In this episode, we'll look at Thumbs.db and Thumbcache -- databases used by Windows to store thumbnails (preview images) of pictures, ...


Afterfallupdate,Windows10putsamaximumsizeonthumbnailcacheanddeletesolderthumbnailsbeforenewonescanbegenerated,Thisspeedsupthedisplayofimagesasthesmallerimagesdonotneedtoberecalculatedeverytimetheuserviewsthefolder.Windowsstores ...,Thethumbcache.db(WindowsExplorerthumbnailcachedatabase)isusedbyMicrosoftWindowsExplorertostorethumbnailsofpicturefiles.,thumbcache_viewer_cmdwillextractthumbnailima...

Thumbnail Database Cleaner 1.1 - thumbs.db清除工具

Thumbnail Database Cleaner 1.1 - thumbs.db清除工具
